25 Apr 2016

Senior I: Unit 2 Answers

Hello, everybody! Click on the link below to download the answers from unit 2. It's a pdf file, so you'll need a programme like Adobe Acrobat to open it.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below.
See you on Thursday!

24 Apr 2016

Senior II: Transport Masterpost

Experiment: Measuring Transpiration

Last class, we discussed the process of plant transpiration thoroughly. Here is an interesting website where you can experience for yourselves how transpiration can be measured by the use of an instrument called potometer. Please click on the link below and investigate the experiment. You'll be asked questions about it in class.

On a side note, here are some quizzes you can use to test your knowledge before the exam:

Transport in plants quiz:

Circulatory system quiz:

Senior II: Specialised cells

Dear students,

This year, we'll be dealing with different types of cells. As you know, many cells are specialised. It basically means that those cells have adapted for certain purposes. The picture below shows examples of some specialised plant and animal cells:

Senior I: Announcement

Dear students,

The answers to the end-of-the-unit exercises will be posted on Monday at 10pm. 
In the meantime, here are some online quizzes with answers:

Plant And Animal Cell Organelles Quiz:

Calculating magnification:

Levels of organisation Quiz:

All the best,

Miss Natalia